
LinkedIn Dcard、LinkedIn、LinkedIn 履歷表在PTT/mobile01評價與討論,在ptt社群跟網路上大家這樣說

LinkedIn Dcard關鍵字相關的推薦文章

LinkedIn Dcard在LinkedIn是什麼?LinkedIn懶人包整理(上) - 工作板 - Dcard的討論與評價

2021年3月21日 — Medium好讀版:(偶絕對不是業配,有興趣找我業配ㄉ歡迎來我medium找我><),身為一個LinkedIn的愛好者,一直很想找個時間來分享LinkedIn究竟是什麼?

LinkedIn Dcard在Dcard - LinkedIn的討論與評價

Dcard | 13420 位LinkedIn 關注者。We are a highly influential community among the young generation, hope to connect the world and enrich your ...

LinkedIn Dcard在Kytu Lin - CEO - Dcard - LinkedIn的討論與評價

I am the co-founder & CEO of Dcard, one of the most influential social platforms in Taiwan. Feel free to talk to me if you are interested in exploring the ...

LinkedIn Dcard在ptt上的文章推薦目錄

    LinkedIn Dcard在Nick Wu - Dcard Sales Lead - LinkedIn的討論與評價

    Responsible for the performance goals of the growth team of the business department. 2. The annual performance of Financial industry grows over 416%

    LinkedIn Dcard在Jessie Chen - Ecommerce Manager - Dcard - LinkedIn的討論與評價

    【 台大創聯x Dcard 企業參訪… · 【 WFH 寵物日常 】 在每週三、週四這兩天,Dcard…

    LinkedIn Dcard在Hao-Chuan Hsieh - Data Analyst - Business Intelligence - Dcard的討論與評價

    Discovered the primary insight in reducing the gap between the Dcard Ads tracking records and advertisers' Google Analytics records by over 30%

    LinkedIn Dcard在Tim Lai, CFA - Manager - Dcard - LinkedIn的討論與評價

    Dcard. 2022 年2 月 - 目前8 個月. Taiwan. Conducted strategic planning to drive revenue growth of Dcard Advertisement Platform and led a team of 8 to carry ...

    LinkedIn Dcard在Voka Cheng - Director of Marketing and operation - Dcard的討論與評價

    Led Marketing & operating team for 1.5 years in Dcard. - Led business insight & strategy team for 3 years, social & product marketing for 6 years in KKBOX.

    LinkedIn Dcard在Tommy Chen - 軟體架構師- Dcard - LinkedIn的討論與評價

    Dcard. 2015 年7 月 - 目前7 年3 個月. Taipei City, Taiwan. - Improved speed and user experience of the website by rewriting it with React and Redux.

    LinkedIn Dcard在鍾湘雲- Account Service - Dcard - LinkedIn的討論與評價

    Dcard. 2019 年6 月 - 目前3 年1 個月. 台灣Taipei City 台北. 工作內容:負責進行內部的廣告投放、報表產出、素材/文案優化、A/B Test、結案報告,以及每月的競品製作 ...

    LinkedIn Dcard的PTT 評價、討論一次看
